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Building Papers


Building Papers

Building papers are used for a variety of user defined applications. They are thick tar papers that are used between exterior walls and masonry or stucco siding. They’re very thick and are designed to withstand extreme temperatures. One of the major uses is protecting the home from adverse weather conditions. The use is temporary. Building papers prevent water from getting into contact with wood and metal as this can cause rotting and rust respectively. This paper also prevents stresses in stucco and masonry walls as wood expands and contracts with changes in weather. Building paper is available in rolls of different widths, weights and heights.

A layer of building paper will prevent wood expansion and contraction thus preventing cracks. According to the local building codes, it is best to use two layers of building papers for stucco and masonry applications. This is because building paper is easily damaged during the construction process. Aside from the walls, it can also be used for lining floors during the construction process.

Other common uses include

Roof sheathing during repairs: When carrying out repairs, it can be placed under the shingles for water and heat protection. It is easy and quick to install on roofs since it comes in rolls.

Making a room warm: Building paper traps heat and thus, can be used to keep the garage and storage room warm. If you have a tree house you can insulate it with the paper so that your children don’t get cold as they play in it during winter.