Finishing Lime
Finishing Lime is a product that is constructed from double-hydrated dolomitic limestone and is used with gauging plasters and Keenes cement to provide a smooth troweling, highly workable plastering surface. Finishing Lime will move and stretch with the inevitable shrinkage that occurs with these types of masonry products. This product comes in several different ingredient mixtures and the staff at Bernardi Building Supply can help you pick the right combination for your plastering project.
Finishing Lime Plaster
Finishing lime plaster is ideal for wall and ceiling finishes in institutional, commercial, residential, industrial, and construction settings. Its excellent lime putty is easy to mix with all types of gauging plasters. It is ideal for exterior cement stucco mixes.
Some of the leading benefits of lime plaster are:
- The plaster sets up to a solid mass that is highly flexible yet durable. Unlike drywall that softens and dissolves in water, lime plaster is less affected by water.
- Lime plaster is durable and sufficiently resistant to elements used for exterior plastering, unlike gypsum and clay plaster.
- Plasters made from hydrated lime are less brittle and less prone to breaking, unlike cement plaster – they don’t require expansion joints. Even when subjected to shear stress due to the expansion caused by moisture and solar radiation, it will not detach from the wall. Instead, lime plaster shields softer materials from shear stress.
- Lime plaster is permeable. It allows diffusion and evaporation of moisture. However, when properly worked with animal fat and pozzolanic agents, it becomes impermeable.
- Lime plaster is resistant to mould growth. The elevated pH of lime prevents mould growth.
- Fast mixing; you only need to add water to lime plaster for full plasticity. No soaking or slaking is required, thus allowing you to finish work faster.
- It is a highly workable material with easy troweling. It allows easier and faster spreading and minimizes cracking that results from insufficient trowelling.