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Portland Cement


Portland Cement

Portland cement is the most commonly used type of cement in construction all over the world. It is also known as normal or ordinary Portland Cement. The name was derived from Portland stone. Portland stone is a stone that is quarried in England and has similar qualities to Portland cement. Portland cement’s main origin is limestone and it was first developed in the 19th century in England. It comes in different types including general purpose, white color cement, slow reacting, high sulfate resistance and moderate sulfate resistance among many others. Each type has its own unique chemical and physical properties. The properties determine the application.

Portland cement is used as an ingredient in mortar, concrete, grout and stucco. Its main application includes general construction of buildings, pavements, dams and bridges. The white color cement can be used for decorative purposes.

Some of the benefits of Portland Cement include:

  • Low cost: The materials used to make Portland cements are low cost and readily available. They include shales, limestone and a number of naturally occurring materials. Since the raw materials are cheap and readily available, the final product is very cost effective. This makes it one of the low cost and widely used construction materials in the world.
  • Portland Cement can be combined with other cementitious materials to enhance the quality of the concrete. When mixed with water, the cement forms a gel that holds all the materials together.
  • Portland cement is readily available from suppliers and hardware stores.